Primitivo with Super Dark: When a chocolate bar begins to approach medicinal levels or darkness, you need a wine that is equally brooding and mysterious. Enter Primitivo from Italy! This Zinfandel is ripe, rich with almost liqueur-like intensity. It’s equal parts sassy and sexy, and the hefty bottle alone let’s your Valentine know that they’re in for a treat!
Dark and Peanut Butter with Marsala: Chocolate and peanut butter already combine two of the best things that grow in shells. Adding a great wine cranks up the volume! If discovering something old is your vibe this Valentines day, check out Ostinato Dolce Marsala for this one. It’s a beautiful example of this fortified and lightly oxidized workhorse from Sicily. Think toffee, vanilla, dried fruit and maybe even a whiff of tobacco or bush tea.
White and Ocaso Sweet Sparkling: There’s the creamiest hint of earthiness from the goat milk powder in this one that hooks up beautifully with Malbec. Make it sweet and sparkling, and what more could you hope for? The wine is as unique as the chocolate for a fun mashup of fruity, earthy, creamy goodness.
Dark milk/salt and Lambrusco: Lambrusco is famously paired with all the rich, salty things for which Emilia-Romagna is famous—Prosciutto, Parmesan, Mortadella, etc. So why not chocolate and sea salt? We love the way the wine calls to mind the balsamic notes of the region and the way the wine makes your tongue crave another sip of wine!